Community Research

We support and engage in research into the experiences of marginalised communities and make sure that findings are actioned and the communities are fed back to. Our research is led by expert academics and community researchers.

Recent Research Projects

Community Participatory Action Research

Ongoing research project in partnership with the University of Reading and Scottish Community Development Centre to discuss the impact of the cost-of-living crisis in ethnically diverse communities.

Havens Research

DRI facilitated in-person focus groups and engagement activities with ethnically diverse communities in East Sussex. The findings will be used to inform policy and training for health and social care workers.

Working Together to Fight Health Inequalities in East Sussex

Over 5 months in 2023, commissioned by the ESCC, DRI conducted community research across East Sussex discussing the experiences of ethnically diverse communities with the healthcare system.

Maternity Services for Ethnic Minority Women

DRI, alongside the NHS and Maternity Voice Partnership, facilitated listening sessions with community groups to understand the concerns that mothers had during their pregnancy.

DRI's Community Researchers Projects

We are delighted to celebrate seven remarkable pieces of research that have been carried out by DRI’s team of Community Researchers around issues that matter to them.

Barriers to Accessing Public and Health Services in West Sussex

DRI was commissioned by West Sussex CCG to lead on a project focused on mapping and identifying Black, Asian and Minority ethnic-led community groups, key activists, and community leaders across West Sussex.

The Covid-19 Vaccine programme amongst the Arabic community

Funded by Sussex NHS Commissioners in partnership with DRI, the aim of this research was to find out the experience of the Arabic speaking community around East Sussex in relation to the Vaccine program from NHS. 

Past Research Projects

Dr Juliet Millican's visit to Eritrea

In November 2017, DRI associate, Dr Juliet Millican, visited Eritrea to support DRI in the opening of the branch office in Asmara, visit local professionals and provide some short seminars to different education institutions.

MBA and MSc Management Design Proposal

In March 2017, Mebrak Ghebreweldi and Tove Steen Sorensen-Bentham. members of the DRI team, visited Eritrea to carry out a scoping visit for the proposal of MBA and MSc Management courses.

Transforming Infrastructure in East Sussex

We took part in a report that which examined the challenges that exist between the mainstream voluntary sector and BME communities in East Sussex, and how these barriers can be overcome.